Tuesday, December 13, 2011

5-tier Baby Shower Cake

As you might know, I love making cakes for baby showers.  I was asked to re-create a previous 5-tier baby shower cake with some little changes.  The cakes were Chocolate Sour Cream and also Banana Cake - yum!

I only got one good picture of this cake as the lighting wasn't too good in the hall.  I wish I could've taken a close-up of the little pink sandals.  I just have so much fun creating all the cute little details out of sugarpaste.
The quotes on the cake say "Babies are a tiny bit of heaven" and "Babies touch the world with love" - it's so true!  Have a great week - see you next Tuesday!


Erin said...

So cute!

Zucchero incantato said...

Just lovely!!!

Jenniffer said...

I just love that design, Juanita - super cute!!

giovanna said...

looks amazing!!! congrats

faithy said...

OMG, Totally awesome and so cute and adorable! So much details as well! I too wish you could have taken a close up photo so i can admire all the details! I can see a lot of work put into it! Fabulous masterpiece & design!

sofía said...

¡MARAVILLOSA! Estoy impresionada con estas tartas tan preciosas y dificiles que realizais. Saludos