Last weekend, I made this fun Max & Ruby cake for a little girl who was turning 2. The cake was 4 layers of chocolate velvet cake with vanilla swiss meringue buttercream decorated with handmade sugarpaste decorations.
A couple weeks before the party, the mother called to order a second "plain" cake as there would be actually be 2 parties. She would just move over the sugarpaste decorations to the plain cake on party #2.
It was not a problem to do a plain cake.... however, I discovered that I actually cannot make a plain cake. I still had to dress it up with some decorations - this must be some sort of illness... I can't let a cake out of my studio without any decorations. :-) Have a look at my "plain" cake posted below.
btw - I should also mention that my inspiration for this cake came from a wonderful blog called the
Frosted Cake n' Cookie.
Cake Decorators Tip: Sometimes it is hard to sculpt something that is a cartoon character and make sure they have a likeness and are cute. For Max and Ruby, I found a picture of cute 3D stuffed animal picture of them to use as my guide.