And here is Yoda - 9 layers of Vanilla Butter Cake!
I really had a lot of fun (and stress) making the Yoda cake for a little boy who turned 4. Yoda was quite challenging, as he is a pretty thin character and he's got a big head. I also wanted to make him all out of cake, so I didn't want to use Styrofoam or Rice Krispies.
I worked hours and hours on him into the wee hours of the morning. At 2am, was still a bit shakey so I thought I'd let him "settle" overnight.
In the morning, I made a little tweak to his cane, turned around to do some dishes and "Thump"! He fell over on the table and cracked in half....
His head survived, but the body did not. I had less than 2 hours to make buttercream, dye more fondant, carve out his body and decorate him again.... I never worked so fast but the result was great - he was a little fatter than I planned - but now he was not going to fall again. Here's a view from the top!

Cake Decorator's Tip: Don't try to push the limits on gravity, gravity always wins! :-) And always make extra cake for sculpted cakes. I lucked out on this one as I had lots of vanilla cake on hand which was for my next cake.
oh he was so worth it!
Just amazing Juanita!
Awesome, that is. Yes.
Just like him, you make it look.
(hard to do a Yoda accent in text...)
Good job, you are wonderful things
A kiss
woah, nine layers. that rocks.
Sorry to hear about your almost cake-tastrophe, but Yoda turned out REALLY good! My husband said you nailed the head ridges dead on (LOL)! Keep up the great work!
You're awesome!
That sounds incredibly stressful but I'm glad it worked out. My closest thing to modelling is a sphere for the threadcakes contest.
That is a great suggestion to have lots of spare cake, I'll keep that in mind!!
I believe he turned out awesome. You did a fantastic job.
Wow , this is unbelievable!! I love it. Any chance of a tutorial any time soon?
Thank you everyone!
Steve - I totally heard the yoda voice even with text
Jenniffer - I think the bumpy head ridges are what saved the head. If he was a smooth-headed character, I would've had to redo the head. :-)
Pink Little Cake - I would love to do a tutorial - it is definitely on my to-do list.
Deliver Yoda cake, or deliver not. There is no "try."
Awesome! My hubby will be very happy to get a cake like this one :-) Great carving!
Nice post
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