Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Powerlifting Cakes n' more

I have been blogging for almost 8 years now and February was the first month that I didn't post a single thing.  In the last year, I have cut back significantly on the number of custom orders that I take to focus on my other life, as a Personal Trainer.  I still have reserved spots for my regular cake clients/family, but mostly trying to balance out my time since I also took up Powerlifting.
Back in May 2015, Team Maximum Barbell convinced me to sign up and train for a Powerlifting competition.  Based on your age group and weight category, you attempt to lift as much weight as possible (with strict form) for one repetition in the Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift.  You get 3 attempts at each and your highest weight in each lift count towards your total score.  Sound fun?  Yes, it really is!!!

Since then, I've competed in 4 events including the 2015 Ontario Provincials winning a Gold Medal and 2016 Canadian Championships winning a Bronze Medal.
Along the way, I was able to make some fun sweet things.  This was a 40th birthday cake (with a weightlifting belt) for a teammate's western themed party. 
Cupcakes with sugar weight plates for a Powerlifting for Women seminar.
Fondant-covered sugar cookies.
I am very excited about the upcoming year - some more Powerlifting events for me and always exciting to see what cakes my clients will ask me to create.


  1. Wow! I'm so impressed!!! and Wow..your muscles..I'm speechless..and envious too!
    Perfect looking cake too and i love the alternating layers!

  2. ..and I forgot to Congratulate you! Congratulations to winning Gold and Bronze medals. I don't know how you carry that weight there.. I can't even carry a 5kg bag of rice!

  3. Faithy - Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving such nice comments! Hugs!
