Tuesday, March 8, 2011

7th Birthday Cake: Puppy Cake

Last year, I made a 6th birthday cake for a girl who loves dogs.  For her 7th birthday, it was the same theme and I could do any design I wanted to.

I have to admit, I do have this thing where I refuse/avoid making carved cakes that look like realistic animals, babies and also baby bumps - I know its just cake, but I still can't stand the thought of a knife cutting into it.  However, for animal cakes, as long as I can make them stuffed animal looking and cartoony, then its okay by me.  Here's some other views of the puppy cake.
Any other cakers feel the same or is it just me?


  1. I agree with you. My animal cakes are usually covered with buttercream "fur" so it's kinda easy to cut into. It just seems so wrong to cut into ones that look like the real thing. I love this puppy dog cake, btw. Adorable!

  2. I know what you mean...my dad doesn't like cakes with names on them as he doesn't want to but through them!

    Love the puppy! x

  3. looks incredible! I too share your thoughts on cutting into a sculpted baby! I feel the same way about photo cakes.

  4. What a beautiful cake ... but give me grief ... It's so nice! But, it has been perfect!

  5. I have the same feeling. I once had a birthday cake with 2 cartoon goldfishes drawn on the top. I couldn't make myself put a knife across the fishes.

    And I insist the birthday boy/girl to have the piece of cake with their only name.

  6. the doggy is just perfect! was it hard to cut the right shape? I am looking for birthday cake ideas and so far I cannot decide whether to make a similar cake to yours, also a dog or just his head, or a smurf cake :)

  7. omg this dog is the cutest ever!!!



  8. Thanks everyone!

    @Caroline - Good way to put it "Cakes with names"

    @Giovanna - Me too, I never do photo cakes.

    @Cherry - Definitely with their name on it!

    @Jo - Hard to say, it depends on how comfortable you are with carving.

  9. The cake came out perfect. I am like you, I try to avoid anything that have to look like the exact picture of a character, animal or any real life thing.I would feel awful cutting the head off and eating it.

  10. juanita!!! i feel your pain about making realistic people cakes!! yikes/gross/weird!!! i've had requests for raunchy boob-type cakes but i just don't make those.. but the thought of slicing into "human cake flesh" is just so weird! i guess some people get a kick out of that though?

    i LOVE your fondant dog. great carving, super cute face... my work is also totally cartoon-y... i don't even know if i could make a realistic dog if i tried?

    anyhow fantastic work! and so great that you have people coming back year after year for their birthday!


  11. Cute :)

    It looks like a french bulldog :)
    Good job
