Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Lost Cake

Anyone a Lost TV Series fan?  I don't watch this show, but when I received this cake order, I had to do lots of research.  Sounds like a great show - someday I will have to rent them all.

This cake was ordered for a surprise 28th birthday party for a guy who loves Lost.  His girlfriend asked me to recreate the members of Season 1.  I designed this 2-tier chocolate sour cream cake - first tier of cake is the island and top tier is the charred remains of the airplane.  Everything and everyone on this cake is handmade and edible.
For those Lost fans out there, you are probably wondering who the character in the Red Wings Jersey is - its the birthday boy.
Here is a view from the top.


  1. wow what an amazing cake! :D Great job.

  2. My husband is such a big fan of Lost series. you are fabulous!

  3. Oh my gosh! All those figures and the details!!! Fabulous cake! (I've never seen Lost, but people really like the show!)

  4. This is so creative! I love the wrecked plane at the back! Another amazing cake! Your characters are awesome too! Somehow i don't really like modeling characters..my daughter's birthday will be soon and i am still procrastinating making the figurines..lol!

  5. Those characters must have taken you so long to do. They all have such a good likeness to the actual characters. The show is awesome, you should watch it sometime.

  6. Ah this is amazing I love Lost :D this season is so good :D
