Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Surprise Birthday: King Tut Cake

I love all the fun cakes I get to create and I just adore surprises.  The birthday girl was spending the day with her parents and partner at the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) exhibit of King Tut.  Then having dinner at the AGO restaurant called Frank.  I was asked by her partner to design a King Tut-themed cake and personally deliver it to the table - so it was a surprise to the parents also.

I had so much fun creating this cake and carving out hieroglyphics on that cake board.  Everything was edible on this cake - I didn't use any rice crispy treats or additional supports (other than regular dowels).  The cake was Chocolate Sour Cream cake with Vanilla Swiss Meringue Buttercream.
Here is a view from the top.  They did ask me what the hierogyphics said.  I replied "It says Happy Birthday Leah, of course".  But we all knew that it didn't say that :-)
And the birthday girl, Leah (far left), sent me some of her photos.  Thank you Leah and again, Happy Birthday!  Maybe next year you will get the Kermit the Frog cake from Costco.  (That is what she was expecting for this year!)
This is what she called "King Tut: Mid-Lobotomy"
She called this photo "King Tut: Exposed"


  1. WOW WOW WOW! That is amazing. I've been dying to see this cake ever since i saw the cake board! Great job and i'm sure they loved the cake!

  2. Wow...great cake!!! Now, I will have the "King Tut" song stuck in my head all day! ;)

  3. Wow! Great job on EVERYTHING, especially those hieroglyphics! Super job!

  4. wow, FANTASTICO!!!!!!!!!!


    Saludos. Paula

  5. How could they cut it open! I would have served ice cream and popped the cake into my freezer pyramid thingy for ever.
    Who eats ART????

  6. Love this Juanita! The board just makes it even more special...great detail work, and love the photos from your client! Great post!

  7. WOW!!! FABULOUS & STUNNING!! You carved the cake so well!! I'm in awe! I love the cake board too!!

  8. Once again ... oh my! What an amazing cake!!

  9. Hi Juanita,

    As always, a work of superlative.
    Great compliment
    Greeting Jacob

  10. This cakeis spectacular, really very impressive! Brilliant work as ever, Juanita!

    Have a wonderful 2010!


  11. Awesome job I just love the cake board, so creative, well done!

  12. Oooh wow this is amazing!! Such a good cake!!

  13. one incredulous word: BONKERS!!! okay, two words: amazing!!

  14. you are so talented!! everything looks soo good...too good to eat!scu

  15. Wow! This is amazing. I am looking to create something similar. Did you use a template or what size cake did you use to carve?

  16. @K.Peebbles Thanks. Not sure what you mean by template... but everything I do is freehand carved from stacked cakes.

  17. Oh ok, well you are very talented!
