Friday, December 18, 2009

Holiday Cupcakes

It's one week before Christmas - I hope everyone is taking time out of their busy schedule to breathe, bake and enjoy a sweet or two.  I wanted to share with you all of the holiday cupcakes that I've been making over the last few weeks.  All the cupcake toppers are handmade out of sugarpaste.

Snowflakes and sleds...

Snowmen and Penguins

Fondant Gingerbread men.

Scarves and Mitts on banana sour cream cupcakes with cream cheese icing.

More snowflakes.  Banana sour cream cupcakes with cream cheese icing.

Colorful Christmas tree ornaments on Lemon Cupcakes with lemon cream cheese icing.

Lastly, holly on chocolate sour cream cupcakes with chocolate buttercream.

Wishing everyone a safe, fun and happy holiday season filled with lots of Sweet Things!


  1. Just wanted to wish you a Happy Holiday Season!The cupcakes looks great as always and people love them! Take really good care of yourself and lets talk in the new year!!

  2. Juanita, they're gorgeous! I hope you've had time to breathe!!! Happy Holidays!

  3. Look at how gorgeous all of those are!! Great work, wow!! Have a very happy holiday!

  4. These are amazing! You must have been so busy! I love those sleds.

  5. Juanita,
    These are ALL so adorable and creative!I love all of the holiday toppers...your modeling skills are truly amazing! I agree..LOVE the sleds!

  6. Thanks so much ladies! The sleds are my favorite too! Happy Holidays to you and your family!

  7. Jana - Yes, all the cupcake toppers are made out of sugarpaste. The snowflakes are made from a new cutter that I just got - I love it!

  8. Te deseo con todo mi cariño unas Navidades maravillosas junto a tu familia y amigos y un año 2010 lleno de salud y amor. Que sepas que tienes una amiga en mi, y que puedes contar conmigo para lo que necesites siempre... Mucha felicidad para el resto de tu vida....
    Un gran beso y apretado abrazo

  9. WOW These are gorgeous! I love the snowflakes, i must find that cutter! :-D

  10. I think you deserve a holiday break! so many beautiful creations, wow!
    all the best for the new year & thanks for always finding time to pop by for a visit :)

  11. great selection!! They look fabulous!
    Happy Holidays :)

  12. Wow all the cupcakes look just amazing!! Hope you have a great Christmas.

  13. These are fantastic cupcakes! I love them all, they must have taken you ages to make! I hope it is okay, I have featured your cupcakes with links back to this post on Party Cupcake Ideas!
