Friday, June 12, 2009

Personalized Cupcakes - What would your 4 designs be?

Just a quick post this morning, as it's going to be a busy day of cakes and cupcakes. I wanted to share a fun personalized set of cupcakes. The birthday boy loves photography, painting, rockclimbing and skiing.

They were 1 dozen chocolate fudge and 1 dozen vanilla butter cupcakes. I think my favorite is the paint palette. What's your favorite? What 4 designs show off your personality and hobbies?


  1. I am a big fan of your work :) . Been following you for quite a while.

    Hmmm, let me see, my 4 designs would be: Reading so books, photography, travel, and swimming.

  2. Those are great!!! I'd have to have the cupcake on the cupcake, camera, and running shoes...

  3. Gorgeous cupcakes. I love how personalized they are. I know what mine would be if they were personalized. Cakes and knitting. :D

  4. wow, he'll love them.
    I don't know what 4 I'd choose...hmmm, I guess photography & art are definite...let me think of the other 2. I guess my kids on there would be to much :) hehe

  5. The cameras are ADORABLE! I like the carribeeners (sp?) too! Fantastic job!


  6. I love your cupcakes... I love to come to visit you
    A kiss for you

  7. those are amazing! i think the photo one is my favorite. mine would be knitting, music, baking, and gardening.

  8. Thanks everyone! I would love to make all your ideas! I've been thinking about my own 4 designs: Kitchen Aid Mixer, Run/Swim/Bike logo, Passport (as I love to travel) and maybe a yoga mat (to remind me to get to bikram class)

    Baker's Cakes - I'd also make you a cupcake with you and your family too!

    Cathie - Of course we could make tiny versions of you and your kids too!

  9. Great cupcakes. It's nice how a simple sweet treat turns into a show!

  10. I love these cupcakes!!

    My symbols would b a tiara (representing my two gorgeous princesses), cupcake (representing my interest in cake decorating), computer (representing my work & also digital scrapbooking) & smilely face (representing my happy nature)!
