Tuesday, August 3, 2010

50th Birthday Party: 1979 Corvette Cake

A perfect surprise 50th birthday cake:  a black 1979 Corvette L82 chocolate cake.   The birthday boy's spouse had been planning this surprise for over 6 months.  I guess it would be more of a surprise if it was the real thing!
And here are some photos on how it all began.... Somehow, I had to turn these chocolate cake layers into a sleek corvette.


  1. Oh, my Dad would LOVE this cake!!! He has a black '74 vette. If only I had your talent!

  2. This cake is awesome! I especially love the tire skids on the back of the cake board!

  3. WOW. this is fantastic. I'm so afraid of making a car cake. It looks so complicated.

    You did a fantastic job, it looks so real.Really amazing!

  4. This is soo cool!!! Your car cake is awesome! I love your photos! You are so good in cake carving..i love those step by step photos and you always make it look so easy! I get the jitters whenever i carve my cake..i think i need more practice..lol!

  5. Ladies, I can assure you that the birthday boy l♥ved his cake! He could not believe his eyes when he saw it! It looks fantastic and it tasted amazing too!
    True talent!

  6. My brother-in-law has a 70's something gold corvette convertible. He would go nuts for this cake, probably want to leave his wife and marry you! LOL Super job and I love the wheels.

  7. Juanita, Juanita, Juanita, your talent is amazing. Great job on the cake.

  8. Awesome cake!! Thanks for the photos "in progress" too to show us how! Great job!

  9. Fab cake, particularly love the tyre tracks!

  10. Very nicely done! Thank you for sharing the details.

    Kathy Dvorski Cakes
    Toronto ON

  11. Wow! I'm so amazed by the gorgeous work you do - such attention to detail. I'm so happy I found your blog! :)

  12. Juanita, Love your idea of putting the tire skid marks on the cake board. Hey, wanna race the yellow Lamborghini parked in my CakeFiction blog!

  13. Thank you everyone for visiting my blog and your wonderful comments!

    bridget - If you teach me how to make your creative and wonderful cookies - I can show you how to carve a cake :-)

    faithy - Yes, I've practiced a lot. Have also bake extra cake when I make mistakes too.

    Camilla - Thanks for your note and the photo you sent over.

    Paula - Your comment and tweet made me laugh!

    Paula T - Yes, let's race! Vroom vroom! Love the doors on your cake!
